Blue Ion 1.0 (20kWh)
Prototype for the first generation Blue Ion battery-1.0, package in a 42” rack cabinet. 20kWh capacity with two BMU’s for combined power limit of 18kW. The product was rolled into a medium scale production and sold until the new generation of Blue Ion batteries was released.

Blue Ion 2.0 (16kWh)
Prototype for the second generation Blue Ion battery-2.0, package in a 26” rack cabinet. 16kWh capacity with a single LV BMU with power limit of 9kW. The product was then slightly modified and released in production in 2017.

Blue Ion LV BMU (9kW)
Prototype for the Blue Ion LV BMU, 9kW to be used with all low voltage (52Vdc) Blue Ion packaged battery systems. The part was released for production in 2017 and is still an active product.

Blue Ion LX - LV (60kWh/52Vdc)
First prototype of the low voltage (52Vdc) 60kWh Blue Ion battery system in an open rack as a building block for the larger battery storage systems.

Blue Ion LX - HV (60kWh/520Vdc)
First prototype of the high voltage 60kWh Blue Ion battery system in an open rack as a building block for the larger battery storage systems.

Blue Ion M Class (1MWh/520Vdc)
First Prototype of the high voltage 1MWh Blue Ion battery in a 20ft ISO Container, complete with all the safeties, fire suppression system, climate control and complete monitoring system. The prototype was put to use at the NWI Water project.

Blue Ion Continuum
All-In-One Power System
Conceptual, working prototype. Slim, floor and wall mount, expandable battery and inverter system for residential application.

Blue Ion Medium Voltage Battery System (18kWh/260Vdc)
Prototype and small scale production of battery storage system in a 42” rack cabinet used as a bootstrap battery for the customers’ large flow battery.


User Interface/HMI for Blue Ion Batteries control and monitoring
First Prototype of the high voltage 1MWh Blue Ion battery in a 20ft ISO Container, complete with all the safeties, fire suppression system, climate control and complete monitoring system. The prototype was put to use at the NWI Water project.
User Interface/HMI for Power System control and monitoring
7” HMI (Touch panels) used for displaying battery, PCS/Inverters and parameters from other devices, control backup power (generator or grid) based on battery state of charge and optionally, control loads, and other devices that are part of the entire electrical/power system.


'ALL-IN-ONE' Panel (For a hybrid AC and DC Coupled system)
Custom electrical panel containg all necessary components for interconnecting, protecting, switching, controlling and monitoring the AC and DC circuits at the given power system.

'ALL-IN-ONE' Panel (For LV & HV DC Coupled System)
Custom electrical panels containg all necessary components for interconnecting, protecting, switching, controlling and monitoring the power system for low or high DC voltage systems.

(Power Distribution Panels)
Custom panels containing all protection and interconnection devices for the particular power system with specific number of circuits and in the panel of size and shape that would best fit the power system components layout.

UPD (Utility Power Disconnect)
Used where utility power needs to be disconnected under some conditions, controlled automatically or manually.

UBS (Utility Backup Switch)
Used to switch utility power as a backup based on the battery state of charge or other conditins. This is typically used in battery based RE systems where utility is used only as a backup instead, or in some cases in addition, to the standard diesel or propane generator.

ABS (Auto Bypass Switch)
Used where RE systems are primary power source and utility is used as a backup and in situation where RE system/Inverters fail in some way, in which case utility power would automatically be switched in as a primary source until Inverters are made operational.

ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)
Used where two or more AC sources are available to power the loads and where switching from one to another is done based on asigned priorities, particular time delay and other conditions (power loss, battery state of charge, etc.)

AUX Power Supply
Panel containing one or more power supplies and/or converters, providing 5, 12, 24Vdc or other voltages for powering ancilliary devices. In most cases multiple supplies are used for redundancy by drawing power from AC, DC circuits or from the backup battery.
Communication and Control
Panels containing communication and control devices (such as routers, ethernet switches, PLC’s, relays, etc.) and are also accompanied by the required power supplies.

DAQ (Data Acquisition)
These panels contain PLC’s, sensors, tranducers and all interface circuits used for data collection and logging. They are also accompanied by the required power supplies and communication devices.
Communication and Control
Used for the power system black start with batteries and inverters/PCS’s where the large capacitirs (contained in the Inverters/PCS’s) are slowly charged before hard connection is made. Some of the newer equipment have these circuits built in but some do not and Pre-Charge circuits would then have to be designed for the particular system size.